Home Makeover -Part III- Kitchen/Dining Area

This is Part III of a home makeover that I had recently finished.

Who doesn't


a home that feels in order (whether it be from organized papers, shoes, clothing, you name it) or just a little orderly furniture arrangement & home decor.   A HOME can feel "


" with the stuff you already have & without breaking the bank.  This is exactly what happened in my friend Janda's home.  She is

expecting baby #3 and  wanted her home "put together"  before their new guy arrived.  So I went into her home & did a little decorating. 

Be sure to check out her

other great makeovers

by clicking these links: 

Part I - Media Room/Toy Room


Part II - Living Room Makeover

This is the

Kitchen & Dining

area that got a "Delightful Order Makeover"

Here are the


photo's of the space:

and . . . 

This is what happened in these areas:


- In the Eating Area:

Remember those

green panel curtains

from the Living Room? 

I told you that I was going to show you what I did with those . . .

This is where they were


 and this is where they are


The kitchen table centerpiece got a little "height."  It's a big table and it needed something


.  The candles are new, the rest of the stuff is from within the home.  To bring in some color to this area we made a "table cloth"

. . .


it isn't actually a table cloth, it was a curtain panel that Janda had & we cut it to a square (she sewed the edge)  Oh & the original panel had buttons attached to them, I'll show you what I  did with those buttons in a bit, but first I want to show you more pictures of this area. 

Here is a little closer look at the table arrangement:

 Next,  Janda made an adorable cork board for her kids' artwork, which

inspired me

& I can't wait to show you


I'm working on.  It's an addition to my

toy closet

, but I'm not quite ready to show you yet (first I have to finish it.)

Adorable huh? It sits propped on a side table (stolen from another space in her home) 

in the corner of the dining area.

Now onto


-In the Kitchen Area: 

Remember those


I was telling you about from the orange table cloth (which use to be the curtain panel?) Well, Janda found some green valances from Ross (which matched the dining room panels perfectly) BUT they were a little "boring" so, I simply removed the buttons  from the orange panels &

hot-glued (yes, I said hot-glued, not sewed) the buttons onto the NEW green valances for above the kitchen sink... look how cute they turned out.

Here is a little closer look - Easy, Peasie! You can do that too!

I also gave the upper cabinets a complete redo . . .

. . . and the counters were delightfully organized :)

Another view of the finished kitchen

Okay, ready for the

Before & After

photo's together?

and another . . . 

There you have it! A kitchen dining area makeover, done on the cheap.

Hope you enjoyed this makeover. I am really excited about some upcoming


I've been doing in my own home & I can't wait to share them with you! From




, to


much more...

Stay tuned,  check back often or better yet, become a follower (over there on my right sidebar) & feel free to tell ALL your friends to check out my site. You all are wonderful & I LOVE that I have so much interest in my blog & totally appreciate all my "NEW" blog buddies!

Thank YOU


May you be a little inspired!

Until Next Time,



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Home Makeover - Part 2 - Living Room