Keepin' it real - The Toy Closet

Not Just a Housewife is having a link party titled 'Get Real.'  She invites others to link posts that are real life, NOT just perfectly pretty spaces.

Well I've been throwing this post idea around in my head for a while now, and decided NOW is the time to share!

You all have seen my under the stairs toy closet, right?  Way back when I originally posted this closet, I received this comment from a  reader:

"Now let's see the "after-after" picture...once your two-year old has at the space."

It wasn't too many days after receiving this comment, I was working in my Craft Room and I could here at LOT of clanking around in the toy closet.  A couple of seconds later, my two year old walks over to me looking like so:
and to top it off, he even had his 'cutest kid ever' pj's on. Cutest Kid Ever? I think they should say: "Messiest Kid Ever that loves to destroy Everything Ever!" No seriously, it really is CUTE as ever! So of course, I had him pose and he adds his little thumbs up.

I got a really good chuckle out of this one! and I was just imagining WHAT the toy closet looked like now. So of course, I had to check it out and this is what I found:
 and there's more . . .
as soon as I saw this space - I was like, "ok, I WILL be posting this." and to be totally honest - this is what it looks like on a good day!  Most of the time, he has every. single. bin. turned upside down.  But he's "playing" ;) and having so much fun!

That's why, in my original post, I said "I usually reorganize it once or twice a week."  Although, it's not always me that cleans it up, often times it's my husband or the older boys with a teeny tiny help from our 2 year old.

I do Love when it looks like this:
but most often, it doesn't!  and when I really think about it, I actually prefer it to look 'played' in. Because that means I have a healthy, happy little boy who is playing and THAT makes me :)

Staging a Clients Home


Organizing the Baking Cabinet