Mother's Day Gift - Sprinkled with Love

I'm calling this the Mother's Day gift basket, which has been "Sprinkled with LOVE."  

It's just a simple basket that I created with packets of seeds for planting. Because, Mother's plant seeds of LOVE, JOY, HOPE, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, etc. into children, I wanted to incorporate some of those little sayings into the gifts. 

If you still haven't figured out what to get for your mother, this is a really quick and easy gift to create. I've even created a FREE printable for you to print too. It's at the bottom of this post.

The Mother's Day Sprinkled with Love Basket looks like so:

 I purchased the basket and a few packets of seeds, I had the flower and the paper shred...

...and this adorable spot sprinkler is from Target. (it's tucked in the basket, you just can't see it.)  I LOVE the flower shape.

I created and printed the MOM card.  Glued it to a few other layers of cardstock paper, added some flowers and a pearl embellishment to the O in love and some ribbon to the top of the card.  I also created...

... some envelope type seed packet holders and the little circle tags.  They read.. 'a mother plants seeds of LOVE, HOPE, JOY.'

To create the seed packet holders, I simply cut a 3 1/2 x 12 piece of scrapbook paper and scored and folded it about 3/4 of an inch from the top and the bottom.

and scored and folded it in the middle.

 This is what it looks like on the inside.

 I added a glue dot to the back of the packet to hold it in place.

 Then folded the top over, punched a hole and added some pretty ribbon to the top.

Here's another peek at the finished basket:

NOW... For you, my lovelies.


My husband and I are TRULY blessed to have such Awesome Mothers! Seriously, we could never ask for better!  We Love them TONS!

Happy Mother's Day to all you Mom's out there!  

May your day be sprinkled with love.

Until Next Time,


Personalized Recipe Box


Organizing Children's School Papers