Storing Children's Toys & Books - Part 2

I've already shared part 1 of storing children's toys.  If you missed that post, you can view it HERE. This is part 2 of how I contain toys and books in my boy's playroom.

I love baskets.  I use them everywhere, even in the playroom.  I found these Stapel Baskets at Ikea and I bought two of the billy bookcases from Ikea also.

Here's the first bookcase:
and here's the second bookcase:
The baskets are GREAT!
and they're only $7.99 a piece.
Ikea has a smaller square version of these baskets too.
and you know that I LOVE labels, so of course, I HAD to make some...
I designed and printed them:
and they are available RIGHT HERE to purchase in my Etsy Shop.  These labels can be completely customized with your own wording, giving you the option to use them wherever you choose.

After printing the labels, I used Mod Podge to seal the label before cutting them out, because I don't want them to rip or tear.
After cutting them out, I Mod Podged them onto larger green circles that I cut out using my Cricut.  So far, the labels have been holding up real nice.

There you have it:
An organized area for my children's books and toys.
and the post on storage for the smaller toys:
click the image above to view part 1 of  toy room storage.

Check back soon for more playroom organizing ideas. Including storing Lego's and  larger toys, to DVD's and Wii games and more.
Linking to some of My Favorite Parties

Train Birthday Party Ideas


Storing Children's Toys - Part 1