Organizing Children's School Lunches

My children start school tomorrow.  Seriously, where did summer go??  HOW is it already back to school time? Although I'm sad to see summer go, I am ready for routine and schedule again. I'm ready to bring things back to Delightful Order in my home. With four boys at home and a crazy busy summer, home projects just haven't been finished.  So I'm ready to finish projects and decorate and organize my place again.  September ALWAYS does that to me!

First on my organizing list was to prep school lunches. I like to plan ahead as much as possible. I make my three  school boys cold lunch every day.  So to prepare for easier, quicker mornings  I came up with this solution:

I prep most of the items that will be going into their lunch boxes in the beginning of the week.  The morning of the school day, as the boys are getting ready for the day, I make the sandwiches and toss the sandwich, a freezer pack and all the items from their section of the tray into their lunch boxes and send them off with a kiss and a hug and a reminder to "be a light unto the world."

I found these divided plastic trays at the Dollar Tree last January and they work just great for my three school boys.  I purchased five of the divided trays. One for Monday through Friday.

I fill the trays with something a little different for each day of the week.

I have an extra refrigerator in our garage...

and this is where I store the trays.

I keep gogurt in the freezer and add them to their lunch boxes the morning of, as well.   By the time my boys eat lunch at school the gogurt is thawed out.  They like frozen gogurt as a snack too, while they're at home.

I love this setup!  It worked well last year and saved me so much time each school day  morning.  I thought about prepping the sandwiches for the week as well, but figured the bread  might get too soggy by Friday, so I just make the sandwiches each morning.

Who else prepares school lunches ahead of time?  Do you prep sandwiches for the week?  Share your tips and tricks on organized lunches by commenting below.  I would love to hear from you.


May you be a little inspired!



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